Stolen Generation Summary

Everything you need to understand or teach Stolen Generation.

  • 3 Student Essays

Study Pack

The Stolen Generation Study Pack contains:

Essays & Analysis (3)

1,389 words, approx. 5 pages
In the 20th century, the Australian government made a policy stating that any children who were part aboriginal descent were to be taken from their family and assimilated into the white population and... Read more
867 words, approx. 3 pages
"The Stolen Generation" is a phrase, which is now familiar to most Australians. It speaks of the suffering and sometimes permanent damage caused to many Aboriginal children unjustly removed from their... Read more
1,218 words, approx. 5 pages
With the passing of peaceful years between the wars, relations between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people remained at arms. Both sides of the battle had there own reasons for acting as they did. Thi... Read more