Shiloh and Other Stories Summary
Bobbie Ann Mason

Everything you need to understand or teach Shiloh and Other Stories by Bobbie Ann Mason.

  • Shiloh and Other Stories Summary & Study Guide
  • 6 Literature Criticisms
  • ...and more
  • 30 Shiloh and Other Stories Lessons
  • 20 Activities
  • 180 Multiple Choice Questions
  • 60 Short Essay Questions
  • 20 Essay Questions
  • Pre-Made Tests and Quizzes
  • ...and more

Shiloh and Other Stories Summary

Typical of realistic writing generally, Mason's first collection of short stories is strongly oriented toward documenting the social lives of her characters. In Mason's version of life in western Kentucky, these concerns are predominantly economic and familial.

On the one hand, Mason demonstrates at great length the disjunction between the limited horizons of predominantly rural Kentucky life and the world of television and consumer culture with which it collides...

(read more from the Short Guide)

Study Pack

The Shiloh and Other Stories Study Pack contains:

Shiloh and Other Stories Short Guide

Lesson Plan

Shiloh and Other Stories Lesson Plans contain 127 pages of teaching material, including: