Shannon Lucid Summary

Everything you need to understand or teach Shannon Lucid.

  • 1 Biography
  • 3 Encyclopedia Articles
  • ...and more

Study Pack

The Shannon Lucid Study Pack contains:

Encyclopedia Articles (3)

91 words, approx. 1 pages
Shannon Wells Lucid 1943- American biochemist and astronaut who in 1996 spent 188 days in space on the U.S. shuttle and Russian Mir space station, for which she received the Congressional Space Medal ... Read more
2,421 words, approx. 9 pages
Shannon Lucid Born January 14, 1943 (Shanghai, China) American astronaut, biochemist, administrator Women's contributions to space exploration began in 1963, when Russian cosmonaut Valentina Te... Read more
4,824 words, approx. 17 pages
"Living on Mir: an Interview with Dr. Shannon Lucid" by Patrick Meyer "Living on Mir: An Interview with Dr. Shannon Lucid" Conducted in March 1998; available at Marshall Sp... Read more