Drug Laws: Financial Analysis in Enforcement
The application of financial investigative techniques to sophisticated forms of CRIME began decades ago in campaigns to bring underworld bosses to justice....
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Drug Laws, Prosecution Of
Drug arrests in the United States involve a wide variety of controlled substances, including MARIJUANA, CO-CAINE, HEROIN, PHENCYCLIDINE (PCP), and others, and a number of dif...
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Policy Alternatives
This section includes two articles that introduce the reader to some of the issues surrounding public debate on the decriminalization of, or the legalization of, drugs. Prohibition...
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Treatment in the Federal Prison System
The federal prison system of the United States has made repeated efforts to treat drug-abusing prisoners. The issue was first raised in 1928 by the chairman of t...
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Law and Policy: History Of, in the United States
Americans have always used drugs that affect the mind, especially alcohol. And for as long as there has been drug use, there have been attempts to regu...
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Law and Policy: Modern Enforcement, Prosecution, and Sentencing
The enforcement of U.S. drug and alcohol laws has been a major priority for police and prosecutors since the 1980s. Law enforcement has ...
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In August 1999, federal agents announced that they had broken up one of America’s twenty largest drug rings in a yearlong operation dubbed “Operation Southwest Express.” In all, agen...
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The prohibition of drugs is a relatively recent phenomenon in the history of the United States. During the nineteenth century, the federal government applied a laissez-faire philosophy to drugs and as...
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Over the years, drug abuse has been a rising problem in almost every country in the world. Day by day more people are involved in this endless cycle of drug craving, money shortage, and drug related c...
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There are a lot of discussions about legalization of drugs. Different people think in different ways about this problem, and there is no a common consent about this issue. On my opinion, in s...
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