Everything you need to understand or teach One More Sunday by John D. MacDonald.
Spirituality and sexuality dominate One More Sunday. In both arenas, MacDonald explores a range of attitudes through a wide variety of characters. Sexuality undermines integrity as it appears embodied in the Revs. Joe Deets, John Tinker Meadows, and especially Walter Macy. At the same time, two staff members of the Church, Jenny Albritton and Jenny MacBeth share a lesbian relationship that is by comparison wholesome and constructive, and Roy Owen and Peggy Moon display an innocent sexuality in a romance that serves as an antidote to the cruelties of fortune.
Spirituality appears in a comparable range of embodiments, from the emptiness of John Tinker and his sister Mary Margaret to the untutored sincerity of Church member Annalee Purves to the unbalanced prophet called Moses or the thoroughly sane but equally prophetic figure of the Rev. Tom Damel Birdy, who, more than any other character, seems to...