Everything you need to understand or teach Naked in Garden Hills by Harry Crews.
Built in the pit of an abandoned phosphate mine, the ironically named Garden Hills is the setting for a caustic contemporary reworking of the basic Judeo-Christian story of humanity. The mine and village, created by never-seen entrepreneur Jack O'Boylan, testify to the rape of the land begun by powerful commercial interests and facilitated by ordinary people hoping to share the spoils. Those drawn to this new world have attempted to shape meaningful lives for themselves on terms dictated by those in power, accepting dust and danger in return for the social and physical security of a system with a known author and clear patterns. With the depletion of the phosphate, however, the creator has abandoned his creation, and those who remain must deal with a mysteriously fractured and threatening world.
Most people blindly continue to trust the author of the system. Believing that Jack...