Mistral's Daughter Summary
Judith Krantz

Everything you need to understand or teach Mistral's Daughter by Judith Krantz.

  • Mistral's Daughter Summary & Study Guide

Mistral's Daughter Summary

In many ways this is a novel of retribution. By spanning three generations of Lunel women, Maggy the free-spirited artist's model, her daughter, Teddy, the stellar model, and Teddy's daughter Fauve, Krantz explores the way in which selfishness and cruelty bear fruit in unforeseen ways. She also makes a strong case for the power of love and forgiveness to undo damage and restore the human spirit.

By setting the novel in the years before, during and after the second world war, Krantz touches on the issue of the French resistance and collaboration with the German conquerors. Mistral, in his artist's sanctuary in rural France, is concerned only with acquiring canvasses for his paintings and staying clear of trouble. Therefore he turns away from old friends in need, including his Jewish dealer. He also becomes friendly with the local German commandant, who provides him with the necessary art supplies...

(read more from the Short Guide)

Study Pack

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