Light Can Be Both Wave and Particle Summary
Ellen Gilchrist

Everything you need to understand or teach Light Can Be Both Wave and Particle by Ellen Gilchrist.

  • Light Can Be Both Wave and Particle Summary & Study Guide

Light Can Be Both Wave and Particle Summary

Many of the characters from Gilchrist's earlier short stories reappear in this collection: Nora Jane Whittington, Amanda McCamey, Traceleen, and especially Rhoda Manning. Although they have aged, all are remarkably consistent with their previous appearances. Several of the stories in Light Can Be Both Wave and Particle virtually recast previous stories in a more optimistic light. In "The Song of Songs," Barrett Clare, the child who was born to Amanda McCamey and put up for adoption in The Annunciation (1983), discovers her true mother's identity and reunites with Amanda on Christmas Day. This reunion clearly affects the tone of The Annunciation because the separation of mother and child loses its finality. In Gilchrist's world coincidences abound, not the least of which is that Barrett realizes she was earlier introduced to Amanda without recognizing her as her mother. Nora Jane Whittington, who in "The Famous Poll in Jody's Bar" was...

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Study Pack

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Light Can Be Both Wave and Particle Short Guide