Learning styles Summary

Everything you need to understand or teach Learning styles.

  • 4 Student Essays

Study Pack

The Learning styles Study Pack contains:

Essays & Analysis (4)

841 words, approx. 3 pages
Newly immigrated Asian-American students are often misunderstood by their classroom behavior.  They may hesitate or give short responses to questions, use a soft voice, decline to openly voluntee... Read more
1,464 words, approx. 5 pages
The study of history depends heavily on the way it is written. Events in history have been conveyed in many different forms, some being more factual, while others contain a story within the facts in o... Read more
1,263 words, approx. 5 pages
The world is constantly spinning. The environment is constantly changing and human beings are constantly evolving. These statements are what I consider to be facts. Why is it then that it is so dif... Read more
1,097 words, approx. 4 pages
I. Is there a need for tailoring an English language classroom" II. Possible ways of finding a fit between teaching and learning styles A. Studying the group; B. Diversity; C. Flexibility. III. H... Read more