Based on a true story, The Island of the Blue Dolphins describes the years in which Karana lives alone on a Pacific island, after her people had fled from visiting hunters. having been abandoned on her island at age twelve, she spends eighteen years waiting for you to return for her. She learns to fend for herself, fighting wild dogs, harsh weather, occasional visitors and her own feelings of loneliness. While she is taken from the island in the end, she looks back at the period between her abandonment and her rescue as a rich time, when she was surrounded by many animal friends, and she had the satisfaction of making a good life for herself, in spite of her solitude.
Study Pack
The Island of the Blue Dolphins Study Pack contains:
Scott O'Dell penned his first children's book when he was in his early sixties. That book, Island of the Blue Dolphins, was an instant success, winning the prestigious Newbery Medal and launching a ne...
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Scott O'Dell is one of the best-known writers of historical fiction for children from eight to ten through adolescence. His contributions to literature for children would be significant if he had writ...
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May 23, 1898. Born on Terminal Island, Los Angeles, California, to May Elizabeth Gabriel and Bennett Mason O'Dell, an official of the Union Pacific Railroad, O'Dell's great-grandmother was a first cou...
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I did my book review on The Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell. This story is about a 12-year old Native American girl who suddenly finds herself alone on an islet off the California coast at...
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