Jon Krakauer relates his experience as a journalist turned climber during the disastrous storm on the slopes of Mount Everest that left eight climbers dead in May of 1996 during the deadliest year in the history of Mount Everest. He explores the motivations of climbers around him and his own part in their ascent to the summit from the beginning of the climb to the arrival of the storm during the final ascent and descent from Camp Four on the highest plateau of South Col.
"Straddling the top of the world, one foot in Tibet and the other in Nepal, I cleared the ice from my oxygen mask, hunched a shoulder against the wind, and stared absently at the vast sweep of earth b...
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Rob Hall, from New Zealand was a guide for the Adventure Consultants. He was a very gregarious man who was devoted to climbing and guiding mountaineers up Mount Everest. He was a tragic hero beca...
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Motives: The Climb vs. Into Thin Air
In Into Thin Air, by Jon Krakauer, one receives a story of the 1996 Everest Expedition with a twist of drama and graphic detail that enables the reader to feel o...
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