In the Unlikely Event Overview
“In the Unlikely Event” is a 2015 historical novel by Judy Blume which recounts three airline crashes in Elizabeth, New Jersey, in the winter of 1951-52, and the effect they had on the people living in the town. "In the Unlikely Event" deals with important themes of coming of age, family, friendship, romance, and tragedy as young Miri Ammerman and others attempt to not only make sense of the crashes, but to continue to live their lives as well.
Study Pack
The In the Unlikely Event Study Pack contains:
In the Unlikely Event Study Guide
Judy Blume Biographies (3)
3,456 words, approx. 12 pages
Perhaps the most popular contemporary author of works for upper elementary to junior high school readers, Judy Blume (born 1938) is the creator of frank, often humorous stories which focus on the emot...
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3,751 words, approx. 13 pages
Whether they find them in the library and read them with their parents, or borrow them from friends and secretly read them alone, young people love Judy Blume books. Millions and millions of sales, te...
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4,522 words, approx. 16 pages
Judy Blume is in a class by herself among writers of books for children and young adults. In less than two decades her books have sold more than thirty million copies. Part of the Blume phenomenon is ...
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