I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud Summary & Study Guide
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I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud Overview
"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" by William Wordsworth is a lyric poem that tells the story of a lonely wanderer coming across a field of daffodils. The vision brings the speaker unparalleled joy and fulfillment. Awestruck by the beauty of the flowers, the speaker carries the image with them for the rest of their lives, returning to it even in other hours of solitude and filling them with happiness. The poem explores major themes such as the connection between humanity and nature, as well as the power of memory and reflection.
Study Pack
The I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud Study Pack contains:
`Daffodils' by William Wordsworth is a typical poem of the Romantic Movement and incorporates the ideas and aspects that are essential in romantic poetry.
The field of daffodils is evidently the subj...
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William Wordsworth fell in love with nature at an early age. He learned to appreciate every little thing and to see the beauty in simplicity. In his early childhood he was surrounded by art and litera...
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I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
Wordsworth takes readers on a reminiscent journey in "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" reflecting upon visions of nature. The figurative language and diction used elucidate...
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Both `Daffodils' by William Wordsworth and `Miracle on St David's day' written by Gillian Clark are about the beauty of nature and the power of memory, they were both written about true events that ...
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We read two very contrasting poems by William Wordsworth ` Daffodils' which was written in pre 1900 and Gillian Clark Miracle on st David's day, which was written in the 20th centaury, but strangely ...
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Poetry is not a definite category, we can create a poem with what we have got in our lives from society, nature, humans, reality… to our thought, wishes, future, emotions… even our dream...
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