The Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906) developed realistic techniques that changed the entire course of Western drama. There is very little in modern drama that does not owe a debt to him.H...
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"In the English-speaking world today Henrik Ibsen has become one of the three major classics of the theatre," wrote Martin Esslin in an essay included in Ibsen and the Theatre: The Dramatist in Produc...
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Evolution or Revolution? Recurring themes, ideas and conventions in the dramas of Ibsen, O'Neill and Shepard.
Throughout the history of drama, playwrights have appropriated the ideas of their predec...
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Teaching through story telling, and later on stage, was - and indeed still is although perhaps less so now - the most effective passage to the education of the masses, regardless of race, religion, ag...
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Ibsen said that his mission in life was to "inspire individuals to freedom and independence." Discuss in relation to A Doll House.
Henrik Ibsen was one of the first writers to use his plays to commen...
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