Gabi, a Girl in Pieces Overview
In Gabi, a Girl in Pieces by Isabel Quintero, Gabriela “Gabi” Hernandez, an intelligent and resilient high school senior of Mexican-American descent deals with timely issues like teen pregnancy, death of a parent, obesity, and boyfriends all the while trying to get good grades and gain acceptance to Berkeley, her dream college. Gabi deals with the challenges life throws her way with the help of her sense of humor, her writing ability, and eating. Themes in the novel include the power of literature, the importance of friendship, and Gabi’s opinion of her obesity.
Study Pack
The Gabi, a Girl in Pieces Study Pack contains:
Gabi, a Girl in Pieces Study Guide
Lesson Plan
Gabi, a Girl in Pieces Lesson Plans contain 156 pages of teaching material, including:
Gabi, a Girl in Pieces Lesson Plans