Frederick Henry Hedge Summary

Everything you need to understand or teach Frederick Henry Hedge.

  • 3 Biographies

Study Pack

The Frederick Henry Hedge Study Pack contains:

Biographies (3)

614 words, approx. 3 pages
Frederic Henry Hedge (12 December 1805-21 August 1890), Unitarian minister, theological writer, and translator of German literature, was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Levi Hedge, a professor at Ha... Read more
4,044 words, approx. 14 pages
Frederic Henry Hedge was a highly respected Unitarian clergyman and theologian, German scholar and translator, university professor, editor, critic, and prolific author of essays and books. Born in Ca... Read more
4,483 words, approx. 15 pages
The Reverend Frederic Henry Hedge was an important figure in the cultural history of nineteenth-century America. As a Unitarian minister, theologian, professor of divinity, and language scholar, he ex... Read more