Foreskin's Lament Summary

Everything you need to understand or teach Foreskin's Lament.

  • 3 Student Essays

Study Pack

The Foreskin's Lament Study Pack contains:

Essays & Analysis (3)

1,550 words, approx. 6 pages
How is Foreskin's character established in the play Foreskin's Lament" E. Fitzgerald-Baird Greg McGee uses several different techniques to establish Foreskin's character in the play Foreskin's Lamen... Read more
1,318 words, approx. 5 pages
Discuss the way(s) in which the writer of a play you have studied uses minor characters to help reveal the nature of main characters. E.Fitzgerald-Baird Foreskin is both an assertive spokesman of ne... Read more
2,968 words, approx. 10 pages
Conflict is the essence of drama. Discuss. E. Fitzgerald-Baird In the play Foreskin's Lament by Greg McGee, three types of conflict take place. The first is internal conflict, where players are in c... Read more