Elizabeth Madox Roberts Summary

Everything you need to understand or teach Elizabeth Madox Roberts.

  • 3 Biographies

Study Pack

The Elizabeth Madox Roberts Study Pack contains:

Biographies (3)

1,748 words, approx. 6 pages
Drawing upon the rural landscape and folkways of her beloved Kentucky, Elizabeth Madox Roberts earned a national reputation in 1926 when her first novel, The Time of Man, launched her into a popularit... Read more
1,515 words, approx. 6 pages
According to one of her biographers, Elizabeth Madox Roberts, upon seeing a portrait of Elizabeth Barrett Browning captioned "Poet," declared at the tender age of eight that she too wished to be a poe... Read more
2,458 words, approx. 9 pages
Elizabeth Madox Roberts's first collection of stories, The Haunted Mirror (1932), was reviewed ecstatically in the New York Times by J. Donald Adams (20 November 1932): "In that remarkable galaxy of t... Read more