Daughter of Smoke And Bone Overview
Daughter of Smoke and Bone is a young adult, fantasy novel by Laini Taylor that deals with the themes of star-crossed lovers, the destructive effects of wars borne of cultural and racial bias, coming-of-age, and found family. Karou is a 17-year-old art student in Prague who works for her foster father, a magical chimaera sorcerer named Brimstone. Karou performs errands for Brimstone all over the world - collecting teeth - without ever knowing Brimstone's use for them. When Brimstone's lair, and Karou's former foster home, is engulfed in an inferno and a dangerous but attractive angel named Akiva starts following Karou, she realizes there is much more to her story - and her past - than Brimstone ever told her.
Study Pack
The Daughter of Smoke And Bone Study Pack contains:
Daughter of Smoke And Bone Study Guide
Lesson Plan
Daughter of Smoke And Bone Lesson Plans contain 117 pages of teaching material, including:
Daughter of Smoke And Bone Lesson Plans