Co-evolution Summary

Everything you need to understand or teach Co-evolution.

  • 3 Encyclopedia Articles

Study Pack

The Co-evolution Study Pack contains:

Encyclopedia Articles (3)

2,535 words, approx. 9 pages
Coevolution As organisms evolve to take better advantage of their surroundings, they may come into competition. A predator may compete with its prey, or two species eating the same plant may compete w... Read more
2,243 words, approx. 8 pages
Coevolution When two kinds of organisms exert natural selection on each other so they influence each other's evolution, they are undergoing coevolution. Any two organisms may exert selective pr... Read more
450 words, approx. 2 pages
Coevolution Species are said to "coevolve" when their respective levels of fitness depend not only on their own genetic structure and adaptations but also the development of another spec... Read more