Catastrophe theory Summary

Everything you need to understand or teach Catastrophe theory.

  • 3 Encyclopedia Articles

Study Pack

The Catastrophe theory Study Pack contains:

Encyclopedia Articles (3)

1,631 words, approx. 6 pages
The Rise and Fall of Catastrophe Theory Overview In the 1960s a French mathematician named René Thom (1923- ) developed a mathematical tool known as catastrophe theory. Thom used his theory to st... Read more
4,993 words, approx. 17 pages
MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE Does Catastrophe Theory Represent a Major Development in Mathematics? Viewpoint: Yes, catastrophe theory is a major development in mathematics. Viewpoint: No, catastro... Read more
853 words, approx. 3 pages
Catastrophe Theory Catastrophe theory, or singularity theory, attempts to explain how discontinuous effects can arise from continuous causes. For example, a forest abruptly terminates and turns into a... Read more