Carl Zuckmayer Summary

Everything you need to understand or teach Carl Zuckmayer.

  • 2 Biographies
  • 4 Literature Criticisms
  • ...and more

Study Pack

The Carl Zuckmayer Study Pack contains:

Biographies (2)

3,796 words, approx. 13 pages
Until 1966, when his autobiography Als wär's ein Stück von mir: Horen der Freundschaft (translated as A Part of Myself, 1970) appeared, Carl Zuckmayer was known mainly as the author of high... Read more
6,030 words, approx. 21 pages
Along with Bertolt Brecht and Gerhart Hauptmann, Carl Zuckmayer was one of the most popular and significant German dramatists of the twentieth century. His play Der fröhliche Weinberg (The Happy ... Read more