Brian (Lester) Glanville Summary

Everything you need to understand or teach Brian (Lester) Glanville.

  • 2 Biographies

Study Pack

The Brian (Lester) Glanville Study Pack contains:

Biographies (2)

3,926 words, approx. 14 pages
Brian Glanville is a prolific and extremely talented, if sometimes careless, novelist. He was born in London on 24 September 1931, the son of James Arthur and Florence Manches Glanville. He was educat... Read more
7,373 words, approx. 25 pages
Brian Glanville has had a prolific career as a sportswriter, novelist, and short-story writer. English critics who prefer writers to remain in tidy categories consider it paradoxical that he has manag... Read more