Beneath a Scarlet Sky Overview
Beneath a Scarlet Sky by Mark Sullivan is a historical novel set in Italy, primarily Milan, during World War II, focusing on a teenage boy called Pino Lella who is pried from a normal life into a life of danger and mystery when he is recruited to smuggle refugees out of Italy, then assigned as a spy for the resistance. By working under the guise of a personal driver for a powerful officer for the Nazi regime, Pino both bears witness to life-altering events which will become a part of history, and falls in love with a girl he meets by chance. Themes explored in the novel include love, faith, loss, perseverance, and coming of age.
Study Pack
The Beneath a Scarlet Sky Study Pack contains:
Beneath a Scarlet Sky Study Guide
Lesson Plan
Beneath a Scarlet Sky Lesson Plans contain 131 pages of teaching material, including: