Anna Cora (Ogden) Mowatt Ritchie Summary

Everything you need to understand or teach Anna Cora (Ogden) Mowatt Ritchie.

  • 2 Biographies

Study Pack

The Anna Cora (Ogden) Mowatt Ritchie Study Pack contains:

Biographies (2)

1,049 words, approx. 4 pages
Anna Cora (Ogden) Mowatt Ritchie (5 March 1819-21 July 1870), novelist, dramatist, and actress, is remembered today for her comedy Fashion. The daughter of Samuel Gouverneur Ogden and Eliza Lewis, she... Read more
3,390 words, approx. 12 pages
Anna Mowatt Ritchie came from a socially prominent and wealthy New York family. Prior to her career as an actress, no one of her social rank in the United States had read publicly or worked in the the... Read more