"A Village After Dark" is a short story by Kazuo Ishiguro. The story follows a first-person narrator, Fletcher, who returns to his former village. He hopes that reencountering the place and people of his past will allow him to reclaim his former influence over others, and convince him of his self-worth. Fletcher's interactions with his former contemporaries, however, challenge his character in ways he is not expecting. The short story explores themes such as purpose and ego.
"When I write a novel perhaps some part of me wants to offer in a book an experience that you can't get easily sitting in front of a cinema screen or a television screen," novelist Kazuo Ishiguro told...
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Kazuo Ishiguro's literary reputation was established by three novels published over seven years: A Pale View of Hills won the Royal Society of Literature's Winifred Holtby Prize for the best first nov...
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