A Night in Distant Motion Summary
Irina Korschunow

Everything you need to understand or teach A Night in Distant Motion by Irina Korschunow.

  • A Night in Distant Motion Summary & Study Guide

A Night in Distant Motion Summary

A Night in Distant Motion discusses issues of good and evil, prejudice, and forgiveness in a suspense-filled manner that rivets the attention of the reader.

The story takes place in Germany during the 1940s. At that time, the Nazi government, led by Adolph Hitler, ruled Germany under a totalitarian regime called the Third Reich. In a totalitarian government, the governmental leader has supreme authority over all subjects and can decide the legality of an issue based on his or her personal prejudices and whims. Hitler decided that only true Germans, or Aryans, could have rights in Germany.

Aryans were idealized Germanic people who were tall, strong, intelligent, blond- haired, and blue-eyed men and women who would die for their country and their leader. Those not considered true Germans included all foreigners living in Germany, Jews, homosexuals, and any physically or emotionally disabled persons. These groups wore different symbols...

(read more from the Short Guide)