The Most of P.G. Wodehouse Characters

This Study Guide consists of approximately 43 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of The Most of P.G. Wodehouse.

The Most of P.G. Wodehouse Characters

This Study Guide consists of approximately 43 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of The Most of P.G. Wodehouse.
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The Most of P.G. Wodehouse Summary & Study Guide Description

The Most of P.G. Wodehouse Summary & Study Guide includes comprehensive information and analysis to help you understand the book. This study guide contains the following sections:

This detailed literature summary also contains Topics for Discussion and a Free Quiz on The Most of P.G. Wodehouse by P. G. Wodehouse.

Jeevesappears in Jeeves

Bertie's man in the last five of the short stories in the chapter named for him. He is a valet of the finest sort both for his social connections and for his ability to think all the way through and around a situation to find its most beneficial resolution. His reputation is known widely for this reason, and people who need advice or instructions out of a fix all go to Jeeves with confidence that he will find the way.

Stanley Featherstonehaugh Ukridgeappears in Stanley Featherstonehaugh Ukridge

Ukridge is a ne'er do well nephew of a wealthy woman who occasionally takes him in and spruces him up until he so faithfully reminds her of his irresponsibility and tendency to cheat and to gamble. He is forever scheming ways of making his fortune quick and easy, and borrowing start-up capital from friends and strangers. He falls in love easily, and loses them all to the same revelation of his character that causes his aunt to cast him out of her home.

Mr. Mullinerappears in Mr. Mulliner

Mr. Mulliner is a man whose family is filled with exemplary individuals, all excellent illustrations of some point of ideal conduct Mr. Mulliner is desiring to explain to someone at the Drones' Club. People equally enjoy and gather around to hear his stories, and listen with some impatience, depending on their circumstances, as he launches in to what are invariably long and highly details accounts of his family's adventures.

Freddie Widgeonappears in Introducing the Gentlemen of the Drones Club

Freddie Widgeon is characterized by his falling in love quickly and completely and going to incredible lengths to please the women he chooses, usually ending in disaster and rejection. He is also prone to gambling and gullibility, which lead to their own kinds of trouble.

Cyril Barmy Fotheringay Phippsappears in Tried in the Furnace

One of two friends in a comedy act who pursue the same girl and fail terribly while having a miserable time in service to her school and church, only to learn that she is married. Barmy is the friend who gives the privilege of the school treat to Pongo and instead accompanies the women on their outing.

Reginald Pongo Twinsleton-Twinsletonappears in Tried in the Furnace, Uncle Fred Flits By

One of two friends in a comedy act who pursue the same girl and fail terribly while having a miserable time in service to her school and church, only to learn that she is married. Pongo is the friend who attends the school treat. In "Uncle Fred", he is the nephew who watches nervously as his uncle improvises his way through adventures in escaping the rain.

Percy Wimboltappears in The Amazing Hat Mystery

Percy is the larger of the two friends, whose hat was too small.

Nelson Corkappears in The Amazing Hat Mystery

Nelson is the thinner of the two friends, whose hat was too big.

Bingo Littleappears in All's Well with Bingo

The gambling husband whose novelist wife sends him to Monte Carlo without any money with which he might gamble.

Bertram Woosterappears in Jeeves Stories

Bertie is Jeeves' employer, and his most avid admirer and trusted student.

Corcoranappears in Stanley Featherstonehaugh Ukridge

Corcoran is the friend from whose perspective the Ukridge stories are told.

Miss Poslethwaiteappears in throughout

The barmaid, described with different flattering adjectives once in almost every story.

George Mullinerappears in The Truth about George

The stammering young crossword-puzzle enthusiast who finally gains his confidence after an adventurous chase and loses his stutter.

Wilfred Mullinerappears in A Slice of Life, Mulliner's Buck-U-Uppo

The chemist of the Mulliner family, who disguises himself to rescue his love, and invents the tonic that emboldens his nephew, Augustine.

Augustine Mullinerappears in Mulliner's Buck-U-Uppo

The young curate in need of the gumption he gained with the tonic to gain Jane's father's blessing, as well as gainful employment.

Archibald Mullinerappears in The Reverent Wooing of Archibald

The light-hearted impersonator of hens laying eggs who finally won the hand of Aurelia by being himself.

Osbert Mullinerappears in The Ordeal of Osbert Mulliner

The mild-mannered fiance of Mabel Petherick-Soames who is threatened with violence both for agreeing to and agreeing not to marry Mabel, and finally eliminates the threat by convincing Bashford Braddock that he bested the two burglars who fought in his kitchen himself.

Montrose Mullinerappears in Monkey Business

When his fiance, Rosalie, wanted to marry in the cage of a gorilla to test Montrose's bravery, he discovers that the gorilla is only a man in a suit, and uses the fact to convince Rosalie that he is the braver man.

Adrian Mullinerappears in The Smile that Wins

A dyspeptic detective who smiles to ease his own pain, but characteristics of the expression make people think he knows everything about them, inspiring them to confess and pay him off for not revealing them.

Cyril Mullinerappears in Strychnine in the Soup

The interior decorator who loves mystery novels and wants to marry Amelia Bassett, and gets by competitor Lester Mapledurham by allowing Lady Bassett to believe that he stole her copy of mystery novel "Strychnine in the Soup".

Aunt Juliaappears in Stanley Featherstonehaugh Ukridge

Ukridge's wealthy aunt who lives in Wimbledon and occasionally allows Ukridge to join her, dressing him and swiftly dismissing him whenever she discovers his misbehaving.

Lord Emsworthappears in Lord Emsworth

The absent-minded owner of the pig named the Empress of Blandings, brother of Lady Constance Keeble, uncle of Angela, and pig-calling student of James Bartholemew Bedford.

King Merolchazzarappears in The Coming of Gowf

The king of Oom who learns golf from a captured Scotsman and transforms his kingdom to accommodate it.

Rollo Podmarshappears in The Awakening of Rollo Podmarsh

The coddled only child of a widow who meets Mary Kent and is inspired to become a hero, pressing on through certainty of death to play a nearly perfect game of golf.

Cuthbert Banksappears in The Clicking of Cuthbert

The golf champion who submits himself to a literary society's scrutiny in order to win Adeline Smethurst, and becomes celebrated once he is lauded by a Russian novelist.

Bradbury Fisherappears in High Stakes

The golfer who lost his butler and three railroads to win Bobby Jones' baffy.

Vincent Joppappears in The Heel of Achilles

The brainy businessman who learned golf in a day only to come unstrung at the appearance of his ex-wives.

The Oldest Memberappears in The Golf Stories

The storyteller of the Golf Stories, save for "The Coming of Gowf"

Joss Weatherbyappears in Quick Service

The young painter who works for Paramount Ham, falls in love with Sally Fairmile of Claines Hall, and has a short adventure as a thief and valet in the home of a wealthy American prizefighter and his socially climbing wife.

Sally Fairmileappears in Quick Service

The niece of Mr. and Mrs. Steptoe with whom Joss has fallen in love and who, by the end of the story, has also fallen in love with Joss, a fact that results in the dissolution of her engagement to Lord George Holbeton.

J.B. Duffappears in Quick Service

The owner of Paramount Ham, employer of Joss Weatherby, steward of Lord Holbeton's fortune and past and future husband of Mrs. Chavender, the subject of the painting around which the action revolves.

Mrs. Chavenderappears in Quick Service

The once-wealthy ex-and-future wife of J.B. Duff, subject of the painting, and honored guest in the home of the Steptoes, who are unaware of her lost fortune.

Mr. Steptoeappears in Quick Service

Former prize fighter and aspiring actor who has a weakness for playing craps, even though he is not good, and wants always to return to Hollywood.

Mrs. Steptoeappears in Quick Service

The social climber who treats her family badly unless they are wealthy, and keeps Joss on as valet only because he helps her husband to dress well.

Chibnallappears in Quick Service

The butler who suspects Joss of future thievery and is engaged to the waitress, Miss Pym.

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