This section contains 138 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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In Hogfather, Pratchett focuses on the complex set of beliefs surrounding Christmas.
1. Compare Hogfather to other popular literary treatments of Christmas, such as Dickens's A Christmas Carol. What kinds of statements about society do the different works make? How are those statements tied to the periods in which the works are written?
2. Research the history and symbolism of the Christmas holiday and Santa Claus, paying particular attention to pre-Christian precursors of the modern holiday.
To what extent is Pratchett's Hogfather character an accurate comment on the history of the holiday?
3. Interview workers at local soup kitchens or Salvation Army establishments about Christmas donations. Is there a change in donations during the Christmas season? How many people who donate during Christmas continue to donate afterwards? To what extent is Pratchett's characterization of altruistic behavior accurate?
This section contains 138 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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