Erotism: Death & Sensuality

How does Georges Bataille use imagery in Erotism: Death & Sensuality?


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"'What we call death is, in the first place, the consciousness we have of it. We perceive the transition from the living state to the corpse, that is to the tormenting object that the corpse of one man is for another. For each man who regards it with awe, the corpse is the image of his own destiny."
p. 44

"The act of violence that deprives the creature of its limited particularity and bestows on it the limitless, infinite nature of sacred things is with its profound logic an intentional one. It is intentional like the act of the man who lays bare, desires, and wants to penetrate his victim. The lover strips the beloved of her identity no less than the blood-stained priest his human or animal victim."
p. 90


Erotism: Death & Sensuality