June/July 1942 Notes from The Diary of Anne Frank

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June/July 1942 Notes from The Diary of Anne Frank

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The Diary of Anne Frank June/July 1942

Sunday, 14 June, 1942:

Anne writes about receiving her diary on her birthday, June 12th. She thinks it is the nicest present of all. She goes to school with her friend Lies, and during recess she treats everyone to sweet biscuits.

Monday, 15 June, 1942:

At her birthday party she shows a film, which her friends enjoy. Mummy is always asking her who she will marry. Anne already knows that she wants to marry Peter Wessel. Her best friends are Lies and Sanne, but lately, she has become good friends with Jopie de Waal.

Saturday, 20 June, 1942

Anne thinks that it is an odd idea for someone like her to keep a diary because she does not think that other people will be interested in what a thirteen year old girl has to say. "Still," she writes, "what does that matter? I want to write, but more than that, I want to bring out all kinds of things that lie buried deep in my heart." Saturday, 20 June, 1942, page 2 She does not think that anyone will believe that a girl of thirteen can feel alone, especially someone who has nice parents, a sister, more than thirty friends, and lots of boyfriends. She wants the diary to be her friend, and names it Kitty.

She gives a brief story of her life. Her father married her mother when he was thirty-six and her mother twenty-five. Her sister Margot was born in 1926 in Germany, and Anne in 1929, also in Germany. They emigrated to Holland in 1933, and her father manages a company there. In 1938, after the pogroms, or destructive anti-Jewish raids, some of her family escaped to the US, and her grandmother came to stay with the family in Holland. After May 1940, Hitler's anti-Jewish laws became more strict. Jews were made to wear a yellow six-pointed star, forbidden to ride bicycles, trains, and cars, given limited shopping hours and a curfew, forbidden to enter places of entertainment, forbidden to play sports, forbidden to visit Christians, and other restrictions. She writes that so far everything is all right.

Topic Tracking: Optimism 1
Topic Tracking: Family 1
Topic Tracking: Holocaust 1

Saturday, 20 June, 1942

Anne writes about how much she likes ping-pong and ice cream, at the few places where Jews are still allowed to go. She tells Kitty that boys like talking to her. There are also boys who try to blow kisses or hold her hand, but she pretends to be insulted.

Sunday, 21 June 1942

Anne is nervous about the teachers' meeting, which will determine who in her class will move up to the next level and who will not. Anne is sure that she will move up. Her math teacher Mr. Keptor gets annoyed with her because she talks so much, but eventually, she wins him over with her sense of humor.

Wednesday, 24 June 1942

The weather is very hot, but Jews cannot ride the cool tram. Anne's bicycle was stolen. She meets Harry Goldberg. He walks her to school that morning and the morning after, and she thinks that he will continue to do so from then on.

Tuesday, 30 June, 1942

Harry had a girlfriend named Fanny. Now that he knows Anne, he has forgotten her. His grand mother thinks that Anne is too young for him. His grandparents don't know that he goes to meetings of the Zionist Movement, whose goal was the creation of Israel as a Jewish state. They pass Peter Wessel and he says hello.

Friday, 3 July 1942

Harry meets her parents, and brings cake, sweets, and tea. They go walking, and Daddy is cross that he brings her back after the Jewish curfew. She tells Kitty she is not in love.

Sunday, 5 July, 1942

Anne has done very well on her exams. Since her father is restricted by the Nazi laws, his business partners, Mr. Koophuis and Mr. Kraler have taken over. She is surprised to hear him talk about going into hiding, and to hear that for a year they have been taking food, clothes, and furniture to other people. She asks when they will leave, and he says not to worry, and to make the most of her life while she can.

Topic Tracking: Optimism 2
Topic Tracking: Holocaust 2

Wednesday, 8 July, 1942

Sunday, the S.S., Nazi police, sent a call-up notice for her father and for Margot for their deportation to a concentration camp. She packs:

"The first thing I put in was this diary, then hair curlers, handkerchiefs, schoolbooks, a comb, old letters; I put in the craziest things with the idea that we were going into hiding. But I'm not sorry, memories mean more to me than dresses."Wednesday, 8 July 1942, pg. 12

The family wakes early and puts on tons of clothes so they can transport them without a conspicuous suitcase.

Topic Tracking: Family 2
Topic Tracking: Holocaust 3

Thursday, 9 July 1942

Anne sees people staring sympathetically at her and her family with their yellow stars. They will be hiding in a part of her father's office. There is a warehouse on the ground floor. At the top of a set of stairs is the main office, where Miep, Mr. Koophius, and the typist Elli work during the day. There is a showroom and a private office up a few steps, with a kitchen and bathroom. On the next floor, there is a doorway to their Secret Annexe. There is a small sitting room, a room for Anne and Margot, and a bathroom. On the next floor, there is a big light room with stove and a sink, which the Van Daans will use. Their son Peter will have a small room on that floor. There is also an attic.

Friday, 10 July, 1942

Upon arriving, the Franks unpack and scrub the Annexe all day. Anne writes that she did not even have time to realize what was happening to her until Wednesday.

Saturday, 11 July 1942

She does not feel quite at home yet. She has decorated her room with film-star pictures and postcards, and has put her mind to making it more cheerful.

Topic Tracking: Optimism 3

On Friday, they listen to the radio. They are nervous that the neighbors will detect them, so they are always quiet, and have made curtains. Margot has a cough, but they give her medicine so she won't make noise. The silence of the night frightens Anne. She fears that they will be discovered and shot.

Topic Tracking: Holocaust 4

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