The Snows of Kilimanjaro Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Snows of Kilimanjaro Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The narrator says of Harry in the beginning of the story that “he had no pain and with the pain the horror had gone and all he felt now was a great tiredness and” what?
(a) Sorrow for all his mistakes
(b) Apathy about going on
(c) Irritation that he had to wait
(d) Anger that this was the end of it

2. When Harry begins dictating to his companion, he describes a log house on a hill above the lake. What kind of trees are described as running from the house to the dock?
(a) Redwood trees
(b) Lombardy poplars
(c) Jefferson pines
(d) Douglas firs

3. How many winters does the narrator say Harry lived in the Arlberg?
(a) 10
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4

4. Harry scratched himself as he and his companion were moving forward to photograph what animals?
(a) Vultures
(b) Waterbuck
(c) Hyenas
(d) Zebras

5. Harry’s “femme de ménage” in Paris is described as having said, “It is the wife of the working man who suffers from” what?
(a) This shortening of hours
(b) The government’s greed
(c) His adulterous affairs
(d) His lack of education

6. What does Harry say was burned out of the truck when arguing with his companion in the beginning of the story?
(a) A valve
(b) A belt
(c) A bearing
(d) A piston

7. Williamson is described as “a fat man, very brave, and a good officer, although addicted to” what?
(a) Women and sex
(b) Fantastic shows
(c) Bad music
(d) Drink and gambling

8. What kind of plane does Compton arrive in at the end of the story?
(a) A B-52.
(b) An Airbus
(c) A Puss Moth
(d) A Cessna

9. When dictating to his companion, Harry describes living in an apartment where you could see the wood and coal man’s place. What did the wood and coal man also sell?
(a) Bad wine
(b) Butchered hens
(c) Olives
(d) Pigs

10. When Harry thinks back to the railway station in Karagatch, he recalls that he was leaving what geographical area after the retreat?
(a) Thrace
(b) Macedonia
(c) Illyria
(d) Scythia

11. By what name does Harry refer to his companion’s “people” during their argument in the beginning of the story?
(a) Your ridiculous, idiotic West Monroe, Louisiana people
(b) Your goddamned WASP New England people
(c) Your godforsaken North Country Irish people
(d) Your goddamned Old Westbury Saratoga, Palm Beach people

12. When Harry offers Compton breakfast at the end of the story, Compton only accepts what?
(a) Bacon
(b) Coffee
(c) Tea
(d) Eggs

13. What do the two boys have slung and carry as they follow Harry’s companion back to the camp when she returns in the evening?
(a) A zebra
(b) A lion
(c) A Tommie
(d) A cougar

14. The narrator refers to Harry’s mistress as the “kindly caretaker and destroyer of” what?
(a) His manhood
(b) His ego
(c) His lust
(d) His talent

15. What word, meaning a wine parlor, does the narrator use when describing the setting of Schrunz in Harry’s flashback?
(a) Weinstube
(b) Vinlonge
(c) Vin de Syrah
(d) Vinstube

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is described as Harry’s “femme de ménage” in his descriptions of Paris while dictating to his companion?

2. Harry’s companion tells him that they always stayed at what hotel in St. Germain?

3. The author’s preface to “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” states that Mount Kilimanjaro is how many feet high?

4. Harry says that he and his mistress hired whom instead of a good mechanic?

5. What is the name of Harry’s female companion in “The Snows of Kilimanjaro”?

(see the answer keys)

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