The Prestige Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Prestige Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whose name does Olivia use when applying to work for Bordon?
(a) Her mother's first name.
(b) Her mother's maiden name.
(c) Her aunt's last name.
(d) Her aunt's maiden name.

2. What is written in or on the item Olivia gives Angier in their final meeting?
(a) "Tesla."
(b) "I'm pregnant."
(c) "I know your secret."
(d) "I love you."

3. What is the first condition Julia sets in order for her to return to Angier?
(a) He must have another child with her.
(b) He must return to being an illusionist.
(c) He must give up being an illusionist forever.
(d) He must apologize to Borden.

4. When is the partial Angier invisible?
(a) In the direct sunlight.
(b) In dim lighting.
(c) In bright lights.
(d) In the dark.

5. What does Angier note in his journal about the 'recovery' from his new way to do In A Flash?
(a) The recover time is about 3 days.
(b) The mental recovery is quicker than the physical.
(c) The physical recovery is quicker than the mental recovery.
(d) The recovery time is about one week.

6. After being hired by Bordon, what does Olivia send her maid to do at Angier's?
(a) Blackmail Angier.
(b) Forward her belongings to her.
(c) Keep Angier company.
(d) Deliver love notes to Angier.

7. Who is Arthur Koenig?
(a) A reporter who meets with Angier.
(b) Another rivaling magician.
(c) A criminal who works with Angier.
(d) A doctor who sees Angier.

8. Why has Angier incorporated grease and special lighting into his performance?
(a) To appear more tan and muscular while performing.
(b) To distract the audience from what he is really doing to make the illusion happen.
(c) To appear ill.
(d) To hide his bald spot while performing.

9. On whose behalf is Koenig trying to sell something to Angier in Section 14, Part 4?
(a) His own.
(b) Nikolas Tesla.
(c) Alfred Borden.
(d) Olive Westcombe.

10. Who is Harry Cutter?
(a) Angier's ingeniuer.
(b) Bordon's ingeniuer.
(c) Bordon's assistant.
(d) Angier's assistant.

11. Where does Angier meet Olivia?
(a) Boston.
(b) London.
(c) Chicago.
(d) Hastings.

12. What does Angier realize about Tesla and Borden in Section 11, Part 4?
(a) They have never met.
(b) They did business together in the past.
(c) They hate each other.
(d) They are in cahoots.

13. What does Julia inform the partial Angier of in Section 14, Part 4?
(a) Olive's death.
(b) She has cancer.
(c) Borden's death.
(d) She has remarried.

14. What is the first living subject Tesla's machine is tested on?
(a) A dog.
(b) A spider.
(c) A cat.
(d) Angier.

15. After Julia miscarries, where does she spend most of her time?
(a) On stage with Angier.
(b) In the bar.
(c) At social parties.
(d) In her room, alone.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Angier resolve to do as his final revenge on Borden?

2. How does Angier initially contact Julia when he returns to take over his father's estate?

3. Where does the partial Angier find Borden, when he is looking to kill Borden?

4. What do Angier and Julia agree was the reason their marriage initially failed?

5. When Angier performs his version of Bordon's New Transported Man, and it is received well, what irritates Angier about the end of the trick?

(see the answer keys)

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