Tesla, Man Out of Time Test | Final Test - Medium

Margaret Cheney
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tesla, Man Out of Time Test | Final Test - Medium

Margaret Cheney
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what decade is Prohibition enacted?
(a) 1930s.
(b) 1910s.
(c) 1900s.
(d) 1920s.

2. What magazine carries two of Nikola Tesla's designs: extracting electricity from seawater and plans for a geothermal steam plant?
(a) Everyday Science & Mechanics.
(b) Discovery.
(c) Popular Science.
(d) Scientific American.

3. Why does Nikola Tesla wish to reject the Edison Medal of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers?
(a) He doesn't need the publicity.
(b) It opens old wounds of his wars with Edison.
(c) It doesn't bring him funding.
(d) He doesn't have a new invention to justify the award.

4. About what do Nikola Tesla and John Hays Hammond Jr. correspond?
(a) Improving the coil motor.
(b) Improving the copper button lamp.
(c) Earning money through military applications for robotry.
(d) Rebuilding the tower in Colorado Springs.

5. For what purpose does Nikola Tesla propose the use of radar?
(a) To set a sighting on a ship.
(b) To locate a hidden submarine.
(c) To monitor automobile traffic.
(d) To pinpoint where airplanes are in the sky.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Nikola Tesla's 81st birthday bring him?

2. Who arranges a party for Nikola Tesla's 75th birthday in 1931?

3. In what year does Nikola Tesla finally sue Marconi?

4. How does Nikola Tesla have photographs produced of the Colorado Springs lightning experiment?

5. What is Charles Hausler's job for Nikola Tesla?

Short Essay Questions

1. In the face of what is termed the 1903 "Rich Man's Panic," how does Scherff advise Nikola Tesla to leverage one of his inventions to raise funds?

2. In Chapter 16,"Ridiculed, Condemned, Combated," what project is responsible for Nikola Tesla getting little sleep?

3. In Chapter 25, "The Birthday Parties," how does Kenneth Swezey make Nikola's seventy-fifth birthday memorable?

4. What influence does Nikola have on some Canadians with respect to wireless electric power generation?

5. Whom does Nikola approach for funding for his system to broadcast all wavelength channels from a single station, and why is this person his choice?

6. What is different about Nikola's flivver airplane, or flying stove, and other existing aircraft?

7. Describe why Nikola, now in his fifties, aggrandizes his theories and projects to others.

8. In Chapter 17, "The Great Radio Controversy," what court rules that Nikola Tesla is the inventor of radio, rather than William Marconi?

9. As described in Chapter 28, "Death and Transfiguration," why is Nikola Tesla caught in the middle of politics with regard to the role of Yugoslavia in World War II?

10. In Chapter 19, "The Nobel Affair," for what two inventions does Nikola Tesla think he can collaborate with John Hays Hammond, Jr., and why?

(see the answer keys)

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