Such a Long Journey Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Such a Long Journey Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Dr. Paymaster carry during the march?
(a) His medical bag.
(b) A walking stick.
(c) A flashlight.
(d) A gun.

2. What is the subject of the newspaper article that Dinshawji gives Gustad in Chapter 13?
(a) The CIA.
(b) Madhiwalla Bonesetter.
(c) Mr. Madon.
(d) Major Bilimoria.

3. In the beginning of Chapter 15, what animal does Gustad compare Ghulam Mohammed to?
(a) A bulldog.
(b) A tiger.
(c) A wolverine.
(d) A cobra.

4. When the march pauses in front of the wall of sacred paintings in Chapter 22, who is the only person venerating Zarathustra?
(a) Dr. Paymaster.
(b) Peerbhoy Panwalla.
(c) The manager of the cinema.
(d) Hydraulic Hema.

5. Where does Gustad construct the air raid shelter in Chapter 19?
(a) In the basement of the Khodadad Building.
(b) Under his bed.
(c) In the branches of the neem tree in the compound.
(d) In the bathroom.

Short Answer Questions

1. What religious figure does Mr. Rabadi request to be drawn on the wall?

2. During their conversation in Chapter 14, how long does Ghulam Mohammed give Gustad to retrieve the money from the bank?

3. Where does Gustad go in Chapter 15 in order to request healing for Roshan and Dinshawji?

4. In what country is Roshan's doll made?

5. What do Gustad and Nusli carry between them as they walk to the Tower of Silence?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where does Ghulam Mohammed meet Gustad in Chapter 16, and what does he request? How is his demeanor different in this chapter from other chapters?

2. Describe the morcha.

3. What is Cavasji doing in Chapter 20, and what does Gustad note that is different about him?

4. What happens in Farad's room between Miss Kutpitia, Dilnavaz, and Tehmul?

5. Why are the Nobles' medical expenses so high, and how do they pay them?

6. Describe the air raid shelter that Gustad and Darius build.

7. Describe Major Bilimoria's appearance in Chapter 18.

8. Describe the candles that Gustad buys at Mount Mary and explain why he has to buy them.

9. Describe the change that comes over Dinshawji in Chapter 13.

10. Why does the pavement artist draw sacred pictures, and what are his qualifications for doing so?

(see the answer keys)

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