The Shining Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Shining Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens to Danny when he plays in the concrete ring tunnels?
(a) The snow collapses around him
(b) He is trapped by rats
(c) He is trapped by th edead woman
(d) He passes out in the tunnel

2. How does Jack think Danny bruised his neck?
(a) He thinks Danny did it on the swings
(b) He thinks he might have done it
(c) He thinks Danny did it to himself
(d) He thinks Wendy did it

3. Why can't the rangers check on the Overlook?
(a) They can't leave the station
(b) The storm is too severe
(c) They are all on a rescue mission
(d) There is not a good reason

4. What does Grady tell Jack he has to do?
(a) Discipline Wendy and Danny
(b) Destroy the scrapbook
(c) Find Ullman
(d) Write a history of the Overlook

5. What is Jack trying to repair to take his family to town?
(a) A jeep
(b) A snowmobile
(c) The hotel truck
(d) An old snowplow

6. What advice does Hallorann give Danny before he and Wendy move away?
(a) He encourages Danny to dwell on the past and learn from it
(b) He tells Danny to toughen up, putting the past behind him
(c) He tells Danny to love those who die, but to get on with life
(d) He advises Danny to forget his father and the pain he caused

7. What does Wendy remember that gets her excited?
(a) There is a ski lift that will carry them down the mountain
(b) There is a snowmobile in the shed
(c) There is an old truck in the shed
(d) They can ski down the mountain

8. What happens to the boiler as Jack looks over old papers and invoices in the basement?
(a) It explodes
(b) It catches fire
(c) It shuts down
(d) It starts squealing and clanking

9. Who does Jack begin to blame for all the trouble at the hotel?
(a) Ullman
(b) Danny
(c) Shockley
(d) Lloyd

10. Where is Jack hiding as Hallorann comes up the stairs?
(a) In the elevator
(b) In the boiler room
(c) In the pantry
(d) On the roof

11. How do Danny and Wendy react after Jack tells them he found nothing in Room 217?
(a) They are relieved
(b) They are still worried
(c) They are suspicious
(d) They think he is lying

12. What does Wendy do when she gets away from Jack?
(a) She tells Jack she is sorry
(b) She smashes a wine bottle over his head
(c) She pleads with him not to hurt her
(d) She runs out into the snow with Danny

13. What does Jack do when Wendy goes to see if he is still in the pantry?
(a) He attacks Wendy with the mallet, hitting her in the stomach, breaking two ribs
(b) He cries, saying he is sorry
(c) He pleads with her to let him out
(d) He curses and screams, vowing revenge

14. What do Hallorann, Wendy, and Danny see as they are riding in the snowmobile on the way to Sidewinder?
(a) Jack Torrance waving for help
(b) The hedge lion, blocking the way
(c) A chain of snowmobile lights heading in their direction
(d) A large tree fallen across the road

15. What do Wendy, Danny, and Hallorann do in the final paragraph of the story?
(a) They argue about where Wendy and Danny should live
(b) They sit together fishing on a dock in the afternoon sun
(c) They complain that their lives will always be full of tragedy
(d) They talk about all the horrors of the Overlook hotel

Short Answer Questions

1. What is it that Danny says to get Jack to leave him alone?

2. What does Jack decide to do if Wendy asks him why Danny said that he knew about the hedge animals?

3. What does Lloyd tell Jack that the manager is interested in?

4. Who is it that Danny realizes is chasing him?

5. What does Danny discover when he tries to escape from Jack through the trapdoor?

(see the answer keys)

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