Monster Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Monster Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The opening credits of the movie in Chapter 1 are designed to look like the opening credits of what famous film?
(a) The Godfather.
(b) Blade Runner.
(c) Star Wars.
(d) The Lion King.

2. Why does Briggs think it is strange that Evans would have told Wendell Bolton about the stolen goods?
(a) Because they are long-time friends.
(b) Because they did not know each other.
(c) Because Bolton was not in on the robbery.
(d) Because Bolton cannot be trusted.

3. How does Detective Karyl describe the scene when he enters the drugstore?
(a) "Horrifying."
(b) "Pretty gruesome."
(c) "All in a day's work."
(d) "Uncomfortable."

4. Which two items are taken away from prisoners, according to Steve?
(a) Glasses and medicine.
(b) Shoelaces and belts.
(c) Money and shoes.
(d) Shoes and shoelaces.

5. What does Briggs think Wendell Bolton's true motivation is for fingering King in the robbery?
(a) So he will be sent to a more friendly jail.
(b) So he can collect the reward.
(c) So his charges will be dropped.
(d) So he will get a more lenient sentence.

Short Answer Questions

1. If Steve is sentenced to 25 years to life, at least how much time will he have to serve, according to O'Brien?

2. What action on Acie's part does Steve say really "got to me"?

3. What does Steve notice about the mirror in his cell in the prologue?

4. What is the name of the "guy who is going on trial for killing his wife" whom Steve knows in prison?

5. What does the woman prosecutor call Steve?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does O'Brien say things are looking bad for Steve's case after Osvaldo's testimony?

2. When does Steve say he feels most involved with his case?

3. What kind of knife does one prisoner have? Describe it.

4. What are the reasons, according to O'Brien, that Steve should take this trial "very, very seriously"?

5. Why do prison officials take away prisoners' shoelaces and your belt?

6. How can Steve's lawyer be described?

7. When the newscaster in Steve's "notes" section of the screenplay asks a passerby if he is shocked by the crime, what is the man's response?

8. In his journal notes for Tuesday, July 7, why does Steve say he needs to keep thinking of the movie?

9. In the prologue, Steve says "they say you get used to being in jail." What is Steve's take on this passage?

10. What is Steve doing when the police come to arrest him and take him away from home?

(see the answer keys)

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