Let the Great World Spin Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

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Let the Great World Spin Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 2, Chapter 6: "Etherwest".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What U.S. President do the hackers almost get onto the line at the White House in Book 2, Chapter 6: "Etherwest"?
(a) George Bush.
(b) Richard Nixon.
(c) Bill Clinton.
(d) Jimmy Carter.

2. What profession does the narrator of Book 1, Chapter 1: "All Respects to Heaven, I Like It Here" say his father held?
(a) He was a physicist.
(b) He was a butcher.
(c) He was a barber.
(d) He was a banker.

3. Who gets the blue box program running through the PDP-10 in the beginning of Book 2, Chapter 6: "Etherwest"?
(a) Dennis.
(b) Gareth.
(c) Sam.
(d) Compton.

4. Where did the narrator of Book 1, Chapter 1: "All Respects to Heaven, I Like It Here" grow up?
(a) Southern Missouri.
(b) Dublin, Ireland .
(c) New York, New York.
(d) Los Angeles, California.

5. Where does Claire live in Book 1, Chapter 2: "Miro, Miro on the Wall"?
(a) Park Avenue.
(b) Broadway.
(c) Jackson Square.
(d) 41st Street.

Short Answer Questions

1. What time is it when the programmers call New York in Book 2, Chapter 6: "Etherwest"?

2. In what area of New York are Sam and his fellow programmers calling in Book 2, Chapter 6: "Etherwest"?

3. How are Fernando's grades described in Book 2, Chapter 5: "Tag"?

4. How many years of training has the walker had as he trains in the meadow?

5. Sam says in Book 2, Chapter 6: "Etherwest" that he's been hanging out at the institute since he was how old?

(see the answer key)

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