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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What does Nora say Doctor Rank can pretend about her dancing?
2. How long does Krogstad say it's been since he was involved in anything dishonorable?
3. What does Krogstad think of Mrs. Linde?
4. What does Mrs. Linde say she has faith in about Krogstad?
5. How does Torvald say he will deal with Krogstad's demands?
Short Essay Questions
1. How does Mrs. Linde respond to Krogstad's suggestion that she should give up her post at the bank for his benefit?
2. Why does Nora confess what's happened to Mrs. Linde?
3. What is the significance of Nora calling for the lamp?
4. Why does Krogstad say it would be useless for Nora to kill herself?
5. What is Mrs. Linde's reaction when Krogstad offers to ask Torvald for his letter back?
6. What is Nora's reaction when the maid hands her the card from whoever has arrived at the door?
7. Describe Torvald's reaction to the news of Doctor Rank's impending death.
8. Describe Rank's ideas of costumes for himself and Nora at the next fancy dress ball.
9. After news of Doctor Rank's impending death, what does Torvald say that he often wishes?
10. What does Torvald play on the piano?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
In the play, the characters are often self-interested and even self-absorbed. Discuss selfishness in the play.
1) In what ways is Nora self-centered and self-absorbed? How does she view other people's problems? How does she view her own problems and priorities?
2) In what ways is Torvald self-centered and self-absorbed? How does he respond to Krogstad's letter when he thinks it will ruin him? Who is he most concerned about and why? Why does he feel the need to impose his own views on his wife?
3) In what ways are other characters, like Doctor Rank, Mrs. Linde, and Krogstad, self-centered? How does self-interest shape society?
Essay Topic 2
Discuss the idea of protecting women and sheltering them from life.
1) How does Torvald's idea of sheltering Nora contribute to her remaining child-like and ultimately believing that she must leave him?
2) How does Nora's lack of knowledge of the world lead her into her legal problems?
3) Are women in the play successfully sheltered from "unsavory" aspects of life? Examine both Nora and Mrs. Linde's experiences.
Essay Topic 3
Discuss the meaning of money to the characters in the play.
1) Why is money important to Nora? What does money mean to her? Why does she want money, and how does she feel about it? Where does money fit in Nora's hierarchy of priorities?
2) What does money mean to Torvald? Why is he happy to have his new job? In what ways does he expect money to improve his life? Where does money fit in Torvald's hierarchy of priorities?
3) How do Nora and Torvald view borrowing, and why?
4) How does Mrs. Linde view money, and why does she marry her first husband for financial reasons?
This section contains 835 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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