Black House: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Black House: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Chipper tell Burny the letter says that he received?
(a) A woman has arrived claiming Burny as her father.
(b) The money for Burny's upkeep has been canceled.
(c) A small fortune belonging to Burny has surfaced.
(d) Burny's aunt has died.

2. What does Henry think he hears while sitting alone in his house in Chapter twenty-two?
(a) A cough.
(b) A sniff.
(c) A cry.
(d) A sigh.

3. What does Burny show Tyler that he has when he first comes to get Tyler out of his cell?
(a) A gun.
(b) A taser.
(c) An odd looking weapon.
(d) A knife.

4. Who calls Jack while he is visiting Judy in Chapter twenty?
(a) Henry.
(b) Dale.
(c) Beezer.
(d) Doc.

5. What are Burny's last words?
(a) Let go, you little piiiiig!
(b) Mr. Munshun... Help!!!
(c) No, no, no, no!!!!
(d) I'm gonna kill you you little asswipe!

6. What does Fred tell Jack started Judy acting insane at the mental hospital?
(a) She had a terrible dream in which Tyler was crying for help.
(b) She read the morning paper about Potter.
(c) She recieved a tape from the Fisehrman with Tyler's voice on it.
(d) She got a letter with a piece of Tyler's finger in it.

7. Why does Sophie tell Jack that she needs a moment in Chapter twenty-one?
(a) She has hurt her foot.
(b) Flipping Jack over has tired her out.
(c) She has been working hard to communicate with Judy.
(d) He takes her breath away.

8. What does Mouse say in Chapter twenty-two about the perfume that someone is smelling?
(a) It isn't the perfume of his dead wife, but he has caught the eye of the King.
(b) The beams is where the perfume originates, with those that make it.
(c) It is his wife calling to him.
(d) The perfume comes from the Towers.

9. What does the boy say when Jack tells him about Mr. Kinderling confessing to the murders of the two hookers in LA?
(a) Confessions don't mean much.
(b) Says you.
(c) Lots of ways to make a person confess.
(d) I don't care.

10. Who is the official greeter at the door when Jack opens the door of the Black House?
(a) Nancy.
(b) Mouse.
(c) Daisy Temperly.
(d) Amy.

11. What does Jack ask Lester for while at the bar in Chapter twenty-six?
(a) Honey.
(b) Beer.
(c) Cheese.
(d) Milk.

12. What does Jack tell Beezer, Doc, and Dale to remember to say when being questioned about specific incidents in the Black House?
(a) You will have to ask Jack.
(b) That is classified.
(c) You can read about it in my book.
(d) I can't remember.

13. What do the men answer when Munshun says for Judy to make another son?
(a) She would rather not have to go through all the diapers a second time.
(b) She is partial to Tyler.
(c) It just wouldn't be the same.
(d) She doesn't have the time.

14. What does Sonny decide that he will do in Chapter nineteen if Beezer continues to work for Jack Sawyer?
(a) Leave town.
(b) Have a talk with Mouse and Kaiser.
(c) Tell Beezer that he is quiting the gang.
(d) Knock Beezer on his butt.

15. What does Jack explain about the flowers as he looks at them in Tansy's home?
(a) This world is poisining them.
(b) They seem to have effected Tansy's entire home. q
(c) They will stay alive for a long time.
(d) They don't match the rest of the house.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the first to vomit when they get to the Black House?

2. What does Jack tell Potter when Brown shows up to take Potter?

3. What does Jack say that makes the door open at Black House?

4. What does Mouse make Jack promise to do as he lays dying?

5. Why does Burny say there is a change of plans in the end of Chapter twenty-six?

(see the answer keys)

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