Squash Tennis eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 31 pages of information about Squash Tennis.

Squash Tennis eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 31 pages of information about Squash Tennis.

The game of Squash Tennis has something to offer players of all ages.  The demands for fast reflexes, agile racquet work and speed of foot are intriguing challenges for the youngsters.  On the other hand, placement, guile, patience, and the faster ball that actually provides more time for retrieval make Squash Tennis the ideal sport for the “older” athlete who wants to preserve that straight waistline all of his life.  The average age of the ranking players today is around 43!

In addition, the promising, young (10 to 13 year old) Lawn Tennis “comer,” who cannot play Tennis during the winter months and still does not have the strength or coordination to hit the Squash Racquets ball hard and often enough to heat it up and realize some prolonged, interesting rallies, is an excellent prospect for Squash Tennis.

The ball is not affected by temperature change and requires no “warming up.”  The youngster will improve his racquet work, hone his reflexes (especially on volleys and half volleys), and keep his legs in shape during the off winter months.  Also, the racquet and ball are akin to Lawn Tennis equipment.

Finally, everyone and/or any club that presently possesses Squash courts can introduce the additional indoor bat and ball game of Squash Tennis.  All that is required is a 4 feet 6 inches backwall “out” line in addition to the 6 feet 6 inches Squash Racquets line and, ideally, the extension of the service dividing line up to the tell tale (see fig. 1 [Note extension of service line to front wall.]).

Because the ball is not affected by temperature, many people play Squash Tennis all year round, and not only in the cold, winter months.  This game could, therefore, be played widely in the South.

So, we invite all racquets men, young and old alike, to accept the challenges of the fastest indoor racquet and ball game in the world.  As a matter of fact, because of the speed of the ball and, consequently, the less running involved, Squash Tennis would be an excellent game for the more active distaffers.

If you are looking for a sport that you can “master” in one or two seasons then don’t take up Squash Tennis.  But if you are looking for an intriguing and invigorating game which you can play practically all your life, we strongly urge you to try Squash Tennis.  You, your waistline, legs, lungs and reflexes will never regret it.


The strategy in Squash Tennis is basically the same as Squash Racquets; i.e., to control the so-called “T” or the intersection of the service court lines, by keeping your opponent up front, off to the sides, or behind you, the majority of the time (see fig. 2 [Desired court position.]).

The fundamental stratagem can only be carried out by your learning a wide assortment of Squash Tennis shots and perfecting your repertoire with practice and experience against many different types of opponents under competitive situations.

Project Gutenberg
Squash Tennis from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.