Russian Federation
Rossiyskaya Federatsiya
FLAG: Equal horizontal bands of white (top), blue, and red.
ANTHEM: Patriotic Song.
MONETARY UNIT: The rouble (R) is a paper currency ...
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Russia is the largest country in the world. It spans eleven time zones and contains 148 million people, making it sixth largest nation in terms of population. It borders fourteen countries ...
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POPULATION 144,978,573ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN 33.0–40.0 percentMUSLIM 8.0–10.0 percentBUDDHIST 0.7 percentJEWISH 0.7 percentPROTESTANT 0.7 percentROMAN CATHOLIC 0.2 percentOTHER LESS T...
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“The next few years will confront Russia with a supreme test. Can the nation realize its aspirations through internal reconstruction and international cooperation, or will it once again seek to ...
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Russia underwent two revolutions in 1917, the first which led to the dissolution of the Tsarist monarchy and the second which replaced the incumbent Provisional Government with Lenin's Bolshevik par...
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Russia's Lower Classes
The spring and early summer of 1917 was a very desperate time for Russia's lower classes because of the fact that they were finally fed up with their lifestyle and wanted chan...
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