Everything you need to understand or teach One Is the Loneliest Number by Tom Clancy.
What happens when someone makes a scientific breakthrough that makes a breathtaking leap beyond current technology and then uses that breakthrough for petty and childish revenge? In One Is the Loneliest Number, the genius is a fool; he has much reason to be bitter, but his attitudes toward others are destined to create enemies. Although he has a genius for programming, he does not think matters through, putting the world at risk. Although in One Is the Loneliest Number this issue is a very personal one for Roddy and those he hurts, the novel also touches on the broader issue of scientific responsibility. It is not enough to discover something and unleash it on the world; what the discovery will do to the world should also be thought through.
In One Is the Loneliest Number, failure to think with discipline could unleash a terrorist weapon more horrible than...