David Sarnoff Summary

Everything you need to understand or teach David Sarnoff.

  • 1 Biography
  • 3 Encyclopedia Articles
  • ...and more

Study Pack

The David Sarnoff Study Pack contains:

Encyclopedia Articles (3)

184 words, approx. 1 pages
David Sarnoff 1891-1971 Russian-American businessman who became a pioneer in television and radio broadcasting. David Sarnoff was born in Minsk, Russia, and traveled via steerage with his family to Ne... Read more
677 words, approx. 3 pages
Sarnoff, David (1891-1971) A significant innovator in the field of communications, particularly in radio and television, David Sarnoff's influence is indelibly stamped on the cultural developme... Read more
1,302 words, approx. 5 pages
Sarnoff, David (1891-1971) David Sarnoff was born in Minsk, Russia. Sarnoff's serious adult demeanor evolved from a childhood of poverty and hardship. His family suffered through Cossack raids ... Read more