David R. Brower Summary

Everything you need to understand or teach David R. Brower.

  • 3 Encyclopedia Articles

Study Pack

The David R. Brower Study Pack contains:

Encyclopedia Articles (3)

1,107 words, approx. 4 pages
David Ross Brower (1912 – 2000) American Environmentalist and Conservationist David R. Brower, the founder of both Friends of the Earth and the Earth Island Institute, has long been widely cons... Read more
582 words, approx. 2 pages
Earth Island Institute The Earth Island Institute (EII) was founded by David Brower in 1982 as a nonprofit organization dedicated to developing innovative projects for the conservation, preservation... Read more
361 words, approx. 2 pages
Brower, David Dean of the Modern Environmental Movement (1912–2000) Often called Earth's best friend, David Ross Brower built a fire under the environmental community and kept it stoked ... Read more